Every face is a beautiful story. A story of personal journey. Hard won growth. Defining moments. Joys and sorrows. Idiosyncrasies and defining features that make you, you.
We see your face, unique to you and you alone. We see you, beautiful inside and out. We see how far you’ve come and where you’re going.
[Dr. Catherine Durboraw – CFA’s First Patient]
And those little lines, the sign posts of your journey. Wouldn’t trade the experiences, but can’t we soften the rough edges?
Wouldn’t it be great to look the age we feel? Embrace the laugh lines and erase the worry lines? Go ahead, revel in that ‘walk a little taller, lift your head a little higher’ feeling. Because true beauty shines from the inside, out.
We believe in a new kind of aesthetic care – natural, less invasive, more innovative, with real results. Where today’s miracle tools meet our exclusive protocols — to pursue your definition of beauty, never anyone else’s.
Just like swim suits and workouts, there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. We get to know your skin, your goals, and your wish list, and we’ll create the personalized mix of treatments and protocols that work for you.
At CFA, we believe in aging with grace and good humor. Because it’s just more fun when we can help each other shine.
CFA. Beautiful. You.

True integrity.
We’re committed to our clients’ well-being first and always. Professionalism, trust and discretion are our watchwords.
True accessibility.
We’re generous with education and encouragement, and bring humanity, humor and style to make CFA a fun and inviting space.
True results.
We deliver real and natural results through innovative treatments and unique protocols.
True individualization.
We really see and hear you, so we create an integrated, customized and personalized plan that builds on your own self and skin care regimen.