PRP, Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Scottsdale Regenerative Medicine/PRP

“Regenerative Medicine is the Future of What We Will Do” – Dr. Catherine Durboraw

Regenerative Medicine in Aesthetics

The most exciting realm of Aesthetic Medicine is the blending of it with a new field of science called “Regenerative Medicine”, which uses our own bodies healing ability to reverse the signs of aging. Dr. Durboraw is among the early adopters in the United States of this science, using her own innovative protocols to enhance the typical results seen with most technologies.

Regenerative Medicine in Aesthetics makes sense. Most of the treatments that we do to reverse the physical signs of aging in the face create controlled, intentional wounds to turn on cell production and tissue turnover. And this is where our platelet cells come into play. The platelet cell is like an ambulance service. When other cells are injured, they send out an SOS of sorts that makes the platelet cells “arrive at the scene”. When the platelets cells arrive at the damaged tissue they do something called “degranulate” which means they release packets of all sorts of growth factors and stimulators to induce the wound healing response. This tissue regeneration is the body’s natural healing process.

Regenerative Medicine harvests the power of these platelets by concentrating them in the area of injury to heighten the healing response of the tissue. Dr. Durboraw likens it to adding rocket fuel to the process – creating a much more robust response to the treatment and ultimately a much faster and impressive result.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

PRP Therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy, is easy. It is as simple as a routine blood draw like you would have for a lab test. But the results can be truly astounding – delivering de-aging results that were not possible before.

We have only just begun to understand the power of our own healing as it relates to aging. You can be assured that the Center for Aesthetics will be in the lead position, nationally and internationally, as we take Aesthetic Medical Care to the next generation.


Your Partner Through the Journey

At CFA Beauty Scottsdale, we promise to be your guide and personal cheering section through the years, counseling you on the best ways to prevent and address age-related concerns. We pride ourselves on personalized service, and we pledge not to “sell” you any treatments just because we own the technology. We love the lifelong relationships we’ve forged with so many of our patients – and want to build that trust with you too. Contact us for a consultation and let us help you get started on a self-care journey you’ll love.